Season’s topic – wisteria blossom (2017-05-03)

Cherry blossom front has shifted toward north. Now, we have wisteria blossom in the central region of Japan.


In the early April, the buds of wisteria were still small.

But, those were growing gradually.



And finally, started blooming


Wisteria is one of popular horticulture trees (vines) in Japan. If you travel in Japan in this season, you can easily find the trellises of wisteria with the  bunches of light purple (sometimes white or pink) flowers in many parks or gardens.



The following photos were taken in Ushijima Wisteria Garden (Ushijima Tokaen) to which Webmaster visited last week.


Access: Tokyo (local train 0:35) Omiya (local train 0:26) Fujino-ushijima (walk 0:10) @


Admission:¥1,000 for adult. Open during the flowering season of wisteria only.







Some “trunks” of wisteria in the garden. One of them (the left photo) is said to be 1,200 years old which is designated as a natural monument of the nation.



You can even walk under the trellises, although you are asked not to touch those bunches.



The garden is really fragrant of wisteria flowers.



Many visitors were enjoying the flowers this day.


