Spot report – Honma Wood Mosaic Museum (2017-04-10)

Do you know Hakone-yoseki-zaiku? This is a Japanese traditional craft of wood mosaic (marquetry).

(This photo is cited from


Webmaster visited Honma Wood Mosaic Museum (Honma-yoseki-bijutsukan). It is a small private museum run by Honma Mokkosho which is one of the craft studios of Hakone Wood Mosaic.



Access: Tokyo (shinkansen 0:37, or local train 1:15) Odawara (local train 0:10) Iryuda (walk 0:08) @


Admission:¥500 for adult. Open every day.


Website: (Japanese)


The museum is on the second floor. Many wood mosaic works of both classic and contemporary ones are exhibited.



A short movie on the works is shown. Although the voices and subtitles are Japanese, you can easily understand the process and refinement of the works.



A classic table decorated with wood mosaic. Can you see the delicate decoration? The museum is full of the works of delicacy.



The workshop adjoining the museum. Unfortunately, no one there when Webmaster visited because it was lunch break. Can you see many kinds of planes hanging on a wall?



The shop on the first floor. All of them are wood mosaic craftworks.



Webmaster bought a small fastener pendant for my jacket. It’s nice, isn’t it?



The craftworks of Hakone Wood Mosaic are also available at a craft shop Wazaya on the 5th floor of Odawara Station building Lusca.


(Remarks: All of the photos in the museum are taken under the permission of the museum staff.)

