Spot report – Kumano-nachi Shrine (2023-11-18)

Webmaster had visited Kumano-nachi Shrine in Wakayama Prefecture.


Access: Osaka (local train 0:15) Ten’noji (express train 3:30) Kii-katsuura (bus 0:30) Nachisan (walk 0:15) @


There was a long approach with stone steps before reaching the central part of the precincts. Although there is a road, Webmaster took the foot path.


The final steps to tori gate, which is the entrance to the center.


Now, Webmaster reached the main part of the shrine.


The main hall of the shrine. There was a line of visitors for worship.


As the shrine is located on the hill, visitors can enjoy the mountainous views.


This is one of the most impressive views there, the three-story pagoda with Nachi Waterfall in the background.


Nachi Waterfall from the distance.


Visitors can get closer to the waterfall.

