Spot report – Otsuka Museum of Art (2019-12-18)

Webmaster visited Otsuka Museum of Art in Tokushima Prefecture last week.


This museum is of fine art ceramic reproductions. The museum houses more than one thousand reproductions of treasured Western artworks in actual size, from ancient frescoes to modern paintings.


Although all exhibited are reproductions, but those are reproduced (printed on ceramic boards) very detailedly. Moreover, visitors can take photos freely.


Access: Osaka (local train 0:20) San’nomiya (highway bus 1:20) Kosoku-naruto (walk 0:10) Konaruto-bashi (bus 0:12) Otsuka-kokusai-bijutsukan-mae @


The museum has five floors and the entire route stretches to over four kilometers which is enough for a whole day. From the entrance the visitors go up to the exhibition floors.


The first exhibition is the reproduction of Sistine Hall of Vatican in actual size.



Scrovegni Chapel of Italy.


The works of Sandro Botticelli.


The room of Goya.


Some works of Gustav Klimt.


The floors are extensive but the arrows on them conduct us to the next room.



“Coronation of Napoleón I”. It’s much bigger than Webmaster thought.


Famouse “Guernica”


The garden of the museum and Naruto Bridge near the museum.



If you are interested in western art, Otsuka Museum is worth visiting.
