Spot report – Takaoka (2023-01-11)

Webmaster visited to a historical city Takaoka in Toyama Prefecture last November.

Access: Tokyo (shinkansen 2:15) Toyama (local train 0:18) Takaoka @


The most popular tourist attraction in the city is, probably, the national treasure Zuiryu-ji Temple. It is only a ten-minute walk from the south gate of Takaoka Station.


Now we see Somon Gate which is the entrance to the temple.


Passing through Somon Gate, we enter the precincts. It’s extensive. The large building at the back is the next Sanmon Gate.


A pair of guardian deities is guarding the gate.


After Sanmon Gate, we enter the central part of the temple. Butsuden Hall in the foreground and Hodo Main Hall at the back are seen.


Wooden structure of the Butsuden Hall and a set of statues of Buddha enshrined.



Inside of Hodo Main Hall and some interior decorations


The precincts are surrounded by corridors. The views of outside and inside of the corridors


Some statues in the temple


The other attraction in Takaoka is “Takaoka-daibutsu” a great statue of Buddha made of bronze which is also located in a walking distance from the station.


As a historical city, there are two old quarters designated as Important Preservation Districts of Historic Buildings. These are Yamacho-suji as a merchant quarter, and Kanayamachi as quarter for molding manufacture. It’s also a ten to twelve-minute walk from the station.


Some street views of Yamacho-suji


Some photos of Kanayamachi


Trams run in the city, although Webmaster didn’t have a chance to take it during this visit.


Takaoka Kojo Park, which is a ruin of former Takaoka Castle.


Webmaster also had a short visit to the other attraction in the neighbor city. This is Tonami Tulip Gallery of Tulip Park in Tonami City. Tonami is famous for growing and producing the bulbs of tulip.



Access: Takaoka (local train 0:20) Tonami (walk 0:15) @


Train trip between Takaoka and Tonami.


This tower is the symbol of Tulip Park, which is an observatory. We can see Tateyama Mountains from the top.


Unfortunately and naturally, all tulip gardens were under preparation for planting bulbs.


But, we can enjoy real tulip flowers in the gallery throughout the year.



When waiting for shinkansen at Toyama to return home, Webmaster took a local specialty black ramen, which is thick noodles with soy based dark soup. Honestly speaking, it was too salty for Webmaster.

