
Spot report – Mishima-taisha Shrine (2018-05-26)

Webmaster visited Mishima-taisha Shrine this week. (Japanese)   Access: Tokyo (shinkansen 0:53) Mishima (walk 0:13) @   Webmaster started walking from Mishima Station. The exterior of the station building is associated with a shrine building.     Soon after walking for three minutes, Webmaster arrived at Shirataki Park where spring water is welling. It’s quite curious that springs gush… Read more →

Spot report – Katsuo-ji Temple (2018-05-19)

Webmaster visited Katsuo-ji Temple in Osaka Prefecture last week.   Access: Osaka (walk 0:05) Umeda (local train 0:21) Mino’o (taxi 0:15) @ Admission:¥400 for adult   Katsuo-ji Temple has huge precincts among forested hills. The spring new leaves were very beautiful.     After the entrance, Webmaster came to Sanmon Gate at first. Its vermilion body was very beautiful… Read more →

Spot report – Mino’o Waterfall (2018-05-16)

Webmaster visited Mino’o Waterfall last week.   Access: Osaka (walk 0:05) Umeda (local train 0:21) Mino’o (walk 0:40) @   You can approach the waterfall by taxi, too. It takes about 10 minutes from Mino’o Station to the nearest car parking, but Webmaster recommend walking.   A good footpath is provided from Mino’o Station along Mino’o River to the waterfall.… Read more →

Spot report – Shomyo-ji Temple (2018-04-21)

Webmaster visited Shomyo-ji Temple this week. It was fine day and new green leaves were very beautiful.   Access: Tokyo (local train 0:09) Shinagawa (local train 0:33) Kanazawabunko (walk 0:15) @   Nio-mon Gate of the temple   The wooden statues of two Nio (the guardians) are on both sides.       The precincts can be seen through the… Read more →

Spot report – Museum of Musical Instruments (2018-04-10)

Webmaster visited Museum of Musical Instruments in Hamamatsu City last week.   Access: Tokyo (shinkansen 1:30) Hamamatsu (walk 0:10) @   The entrance of the museum. As it was a weekday when Webmaster visited, the museum was not crowded.   There are four main exhibition rooms. The first room is for Asian and Japanese instruments. There are some 330… Read more →

Spot report “Cherry blossom of Odawara Castle” (2018-03-29)

Webmaster enjoyed cherry blossom at Odawara Castle (Odawara-joshi Park) today. Odawara Castle (Odawara-joshi Park) is selected as “Top 100 Sights of Cherry Blossom”.   Access: Tokyo (shinkansen 0:37) Odawara (walk 0:10) @   After only ten minute walk from Odawara Station, you can reach Odawara Castle (Odawara-joshi Park). Cherry trees are planted along the moats and inside the park.  … Read more →

Spot report – Akechidaira Ropeway (2018-03-28)

Webmaster took Akechidaira Ropeway in Nikko this week.   Tokyo (local train 0:15) Asakusa (express train 1:50) Tobu-nikko (bus 0:40) Akechidaira @   The bottom station taken with Mt. Nantai-san   The gondola is ascending to the top station. The capacity of each gondola is 16 persons and the service is ten minutes each.       Now Webmaster took… Read more →

Spot report – Kawazu-zakura Cherry blossom (2018-03-10)

Japan’s climate differs from region to region. While it’s snowing in the northern region, the spring herald has appeared in the south already.     Webmaster visited Kawazu Town last week which is famous for Kawazu-zakura. Kawazu-zakura is an early blossom variety of cherry which starts blooming about a month earlier than common cherry.   Access: Tokyo (shinkansen 0:46) Atami… Read more →

Spot report – Oyaku-en Japanese Garden (2018-02-26)

Webmaster visited a Japanese garden Oyaku-en before last week.   Access: Tokyo (shinkansen 1:40) Koriyama (local train 1:20) Aizu-wakamatsu (bus 0:20) Oyakuen-iriguchi (walk 0:05) @   A big snow statue of dog in front of the entrance. Is this a guardian dog?     How does Japanese garden look like in snowing season? It’s silent and beautiful although it’s… Read more →

Spot report – Tsuruga-jo Castle (2018-02-20)

As told in the previous blog dated on 2018-02-13, the second day of the train journey to snow country was suspended due to heavy snowfall.   Then, Webmaster decided to visit Tsuruga-jo Castle in Aizu-wakamatsu City before returning to home although the weather was not so pleasant.   A photo of the castle in non-snowing time (Wikipedia)   Access to… Read more →